GOUDÛLEN (kerkuilen, barnowls)
Jonge goudûlen (fan trije wiken âld). Se binne út de briedbak
helle om ringe te wurden ( 18 juli 2006)
Young Barnowls (of 3 weeks old). They've been taken out of their breeding nest and are recieving ID leg rings.
Dizze prachtige fûgel is de mem fan de beide jongen. Se is ek ringe en woegen en wie like swier as har jongen. Se sil it wol dreech hân ha mei it fangen fan mûskes. 2006 is in min mûze-jier west, dêrom wiene der ek mar twa jongen.
This beautiful bird is the mother of both chicks. She is also given a ring and weighed, the mother weighs as much as the chicks weigh now. She probably had a hard time catching mice. 2006 must have been a bad mouse-year, that's probably why there were only two chicks.
Ferline jier(2005) binne dizze fiif jonge goudûlen grut wurden by ús yn 'e skuorre. Hjir binne se trije moanne en sille oer in pear dagen harren âlden ferlitte.
Last year (2005) there were five barnowls (as seen in the photo). In this photo they are three months old. In a couple of days they left to venture out on their own, into the great wide world known as Fryslân.
This I definitly want a translation for!!
Maybe your aunt Aukje can give you a translation she knows Frisian.
But eventually wy will give it to you.
Wow... nice blog :D
Good post. Very interesting.
So who was banding the chicks?
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